Friday, July 24, 2009

Rebecca Sorensen- Perks of being an athlete

Perks of my Job...Okay it’s not a “real” job- but, it (training) is what I do all day, every day. So, for argument sake- let’s just call it a job. My week started like any normal week... Little did I know what a great week it would turn out to be. A few amazing perks popped up this week and made feel quite lucky to have the job I have. I got invited to meet with the execs from Procter and Gamble. We had a great lunch and I got the opportunity to thank them for their recent agreement to come on board with the usoc and let them know how much it is appreciate, especially in these economically hard times. That meeting, lead me the following morning into a possible national ad campaign for another usoc sponsor. I’ll be working hard this weekend to come up with the special material that they are looking for. Keep your fingers crossed for me. It is a special opportunity that rarely comes around. In addition to all of that, I will meet with the Hartford group to have dinner and even make a few (much needed) almighty dollars Thank you perks- I really needed you *remember~ when life takes a turn, make sure to have your hands on the wheel.

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