Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Chris Cook- Summer training

Northside update #1

My training continues here in Rhinelander Wisconsin and summer has been extremely busy. My training volume has been ramping up since May and I should hit my biggest month of the year as July comes to an end. So far I have been putting in lots of big hours but I have been getting some quality intensity training in as I have been racing Mountain Bikes nearly every other weekend. The next big mountain bike race will be coming up August 8, Ore to Shore, in Marquette MI. I will be up in Marquette leading into the week to get a little change of training scenery.
To explain why this summer has been so busy, I not only have boosted my training hours this year, but I have been involved with motocross camps and running roller ski clinics on the weekends. Before you wonder how I got involved with motocross camps with no motorcycle skills to speak of I will explain. A long time friend of mine and profession motocross rider Chad Johnson has returned to Rhinelander for the summer to run camps. He asked me to take the campers three mornings a week and take them on a hour long mountain bike ride. He then gets the campers back for the middle of the day to focus on engine related riding and then I get the campers back at the end of the day to go through a core strength session. The camps have been a blast and it’s always great to work with highly motivated kids. The rollerski clinics have been a success as well. So far I have done a double pole clinic and a skate technique clinic, and the improvements made by the end of day has been extraordinary.
So between training sessions and motocross camp during the week, and rollerski clinics and mountain bike racing on the weekends, the summer so far has been nonstop. But as Chad would say you got to pin it to win it!

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