Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Rebecca Sorensen

Above is a photo from Lake Louise. So beautiful! I really enjoyed my trip to Canada last week. This week’s training was a little hit and miss. On Sunday, the day I traveled home, I met a friend and went for a drive. We ended up finding a great hiking trail and... ending up hiking to the top of this huge mountain. So much for a day off. That meant that my next two days would be a bit off schedule. I had planned the sprinting portion of my Federation’s summer testing criteria to be this week. When the week started, I wasn’t sure if I would be at my best with last week being so hard and the way I was currently feeling. So- I just told myself, one day at a time. On Thursday, a non-regular training partner wanted to join my session and wanted to use the timing eyes for some practice testing. I decided it might be a good idea to run a 15m and see where I was. I ended up being fairly fast and decided to just do my test right there and then. 5 of 8 marks I achieved higher than my goal and the other 3 were withing hundredths, inches and pounds of what I wanted. Looking back, I’m sort-of glad for the interruption in my schedule, you can’t always plan perfect days/weeks, so being able to adapt to different situations and still perform is key. A great confidence boost and lesson learned about how you can still perform when least expected, trust your training and listen to your body and things will usually work out!!!

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