Sunday, August 16, 2009

Chris Cook-

Northside Update 3

The Northside really provided some outstanding weather for a large volume week, and several times I found myself wondering if it was indeed already fall. So far I have gotten in half my hours for a 25hour volume week and have been able to train in massive cold winds, rain, and high temperatures barely cracking the 60 degree mark. Go Wisconsin. I hear this makes you stronger or more resilient, but it mostly made me cold. Nonetheless I can’t complain though the training has gone well. Knocked out some solid running intensity, rollerskiing speed work, and I got out on the mountain bike for a solid ride.

This coming week I will get a week off from the motocross camps which means, chad and I will have at least one morning next week where we try and destroy each other on mountain bikes. This ride turns into an all out how can I ride the other guy off my wheel for a good hour. It doubles as a great intensity session and you better be ready for it. I just have to make sure it happens early in the week because the Ore to Shore will be arriving next Saturday and I want a podium finish up there. It should be my last Mountain bike race of the season and everyone likes to go out on top.

The last training sessions of the week will entail some skate rollerski intensity along the lines of 5x5min all out efforts and a 4.5 hour road bike epic. Should be a nice little weekend…

Well, time to sign off and knock out a 2.5 hour double pole distance session, temperature 54 degrees, go Northside.

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