Sunday, October 4, 2009

Jennifer Rodriguez-

Sorry I’m a little late in writing this week, but I have been crazy busy!!! Last Monday Philip went back to Baltimore, but I was still on a hard week of training so I was back to the regular routine. On Wednesday I was off to Chicago for the USOC Media Summit.
The Media Summit is an opportunity for journalists of all sorts to question Olympic hopefuls in all the winter sports. Its 2 days long and pretty much nonstop from early morning until late afternoon. Its actually pretty exhausting, especially when you have to fit workouts in on the little bit of downtime we have. We get some cool gear though and all meals are taken care of, so you can’t really complain. Plus its always fun to interact with the other athletes. Its a rare opportunity to meet and hang out with the athletes from other sports. I like it!!!
After Chicago I went back to Miami for a couple of days to visit my family and brand new nephew. It was nice to be home. I had the chance to go visit my mom, which was tough but important for me to do. When I was at the site, it really felt like it was just yesterday. It had been about 3 months since I was there. It was nice to be home this time for something joyful.
My nephew has got to be the cutest little guy ever! I know I’m biased, but he’s precious! He was born a week early so he’s a tiny little guy, just over 5 lbs. I’ve never really been around babies, so I wasn’t really sure what to do. He seemed so fragile. Once I held him for the first time, my eyes started to water. I loved him so much...instantly! I can’t wait to have one of my own some day! :)
My brother and his wife also bought a new home recently, so it was nice to check that out. We actually were all able to get together to watch the Dolphin game (which was a complete disaster) as a family for the first time in an extremely long time. I enjoyed that a lot. I love watching sports with my family.
Other than spending time with the family, I still had to train. I jumped on the bike a couple of times and went to the gym. Philip came to Miami as well, so he and my dad joined in on my workouts. My dad has gotten crazy about getting back into shape. I’m proud of him. He’s doing real well. It was super nice being home, even if it was just for a short time. One thing I don’t miss is the humidity! Yuck! It’s so sticky! Regardless, I was glad I went because the next time I get to go home is after the season in March or April. By then my nephew should be crawling...I can’t wait!!!
Anyway, I’m back in Park City now and in my own bed. I’m on a rest week, so time to take care of all the miscellaneous nonsense.
Until next time!!!!jrod

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